Rabu, 10 Februari 2016

Education to Build a Better Future for All

In these days, we live in a world that have many complex problem. Surely, we have to solve that problem. For solving a problem we have to use our brain and speak out how to use all of that. What is the relation with education? Let’s take a look to my essay.
In Indonesia, the government make sure that the education is free, without any charge, for 9 years. Which mean from elementary school until we finished junior high school. Between that, there is some “moving library” that we can use to gain much more education. So, in Indonesia there is an easiness for we to get an education.

At school, there is many education that we get. Education not only studying math, physics, biology or chemical, but we can study about social life, about how to talk with older people, how to respect each others between our difference. At my school when we are at grade 10. There is an moral education program before we study. Teachers at school always teach us about good characteristic, maybe they didn’t mention it directly, but when they teach a lesson they will show from teaching and learning situation. Maybe like a student raise her/ his hand with left hand, they will tell that that was wrong we should to raise with right hand, such like that. Maybe this paragraph can answer my own question at the first.

After that, who is the most important role for build better future? That were us. Who still young and still gain education. At elementary school, we usually hear about “next generation” from our teachers or parents, “next generation” that was mean us. Previous generation trust to us for making future much better than before. What we have to do to make that hope happen. In our mind future is about how the development of technologies, I think future is not all about technologies. In my mind maybe in the future we can know each other, we can live together with no war, and peace. Based of that point I will explain what is the relation with education.

First point, about the development of technologies. How we can develop technologies without any knowledge about that. In higher education after high school, we are attend collage, at this education level, we are study more specific at what we want to do when we have a job. At elementary school until junior high school we all study the same lesson, but when we entry high school, we can choose “ipa” “ips” “bahasa”. But when we attend collage, we can choose our own majors. So we can study about our subject that was important to our job.

Second point, about our peace in the future. Like what I was tell before, at school we are also teach about characteristic and attitude, so if we show what we have learnt from school, that doesn’t impossible to make peace in this world real.

So, after all I think that my essay can prove, education can build better future.

Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

"Mobile phones have made made life worse, not better?"

Nowdays, mobile phones are thing that we bring every day. I think now have at least 1 mobile phones is a must. Why? Because the most important reason is we can communicate with our family, friends, and people that was so far away from us. At this post I didn’t agree that mobile phones made life worse, not better. Even though there are some bad effect of using mobile phones, there are much more benefit that served by mobile phones.

We all know that communicate is very important, for example : at work, if we didn’t
communicate to other employee there will be chaotic of doing the daily works. Okay, we can directly communicate if others employee were at the office, but if we or the others weren’t at the office what could we do without any mobile phones?. Not only that, at mobile phones there are so many program or application that can make our daily activities much easier. There are calculator, dictionary, holy book, camera, videos or music. Just imagine that we have to carry all of that on our bags. So that is the example of the benefit using mobile phones.

At this post, I also have to explain the negative effect of using too much mobile phones. First, by using mobile phones we can communicate without face to face, so that make us less socializing. Then, using too much mobile phones could damage our eyes, so we have to use glasses or contact lens. The last, maybe this is from my experience, I've downloaded many games at my own mobile phone, so that's make me lazy to do anything, like study and do any homework.

At the end, after you read my post, I hope you can take the positive value and avoid the bad impact of using mobile phones.
Most of mobile phones nowdays is a “smartphone”, if your phone was smart, why you didn’t be a smart user too? –SAY HAI:)))))