Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

Kambing Jantan

Okay guys now I will tell you Great Novel

This novel contains a collection of stories of everyday silly and unique from Raditya Dika, a student from the marriage of the Batak and sewing machines (As written on the back cover of the book). Actually this novel is the diary of Raditya Dika he wrote on the internet (blogs). All the funny stories that exist in this novel is the true story of the author (Radith) from years 2002-2004.

The novel is very useful for relieving stress and confusion, especially for teenagers. Because in this novel Raditya Dika write personal story with very plain and make the reader entertained.

After high school, Dika (Raditya Dika), which has the nickname Goat, should continue their education in Adelaide, Australia, took the title of finance that is not according to their interests. So began the journey of life Dika search for identity.

As he goes to college in Australia, problems arise with Kebo, his girlfriend, because it must undergo a Long Distance Relationship (LDR), which causes huge financial outlay, communications disrupted, and that the longer the life course makes them different.

Other problems such as how Dika have difficulty in learning, and the emergence of Sally Dickson, professor of Caucasians are more like women soldiers, adding to the dilemma the Goat in resolving problems LDR and finance (in two real sense: the need finance his and school finance her).

Encounter with an elementary friend, Ine (Sarah Shafitri), which reads Dika blog titled "Kambingjantan", opened his mind that he could be a writer of comedy. The next day the life story of an extremely stupid and ridiculous it makes him a very special experience unforgettable.
Maybe that's all that I can explain to you
Thank you guys :))


Now I will explain about my dream job

My dream job is Civil Engineer, I think that was a great job, because of I really like things about constructing a building and when I was child, my toys were kind of building something like cube and puzzle, so I like to do something that have a relation with constructing.

I know that Indonesia is a developing country, so I think a civil engineer is still needed for this country.

Maybe most of you and me too, still don't know what is the difference between Architect and Civil Engineer, right?

So:)) now I will give you information about that :

Architect :

•Build public or private structures.
•Focus on the aesthetic principles of design. In school, you will take more art-related classes and fewer engineering- and science-related courses.
•Acquire the relevant certifications in the field of architecture.

Civil Engineer :

  • Build public or private structures, with a focus on public structures.
  • Also build hydroelectric dams, canals, roadways, or other structures with useful functions in society.
  • Focus on science and engineering. In college, you will take fewer art-related classes and learn a lot more engineering and physics than you would if you majored in architecture. This major is usually considered more “difficult.”
  • Acquire the relevant certifications in the field of civil engineering.

  • I can tell that I'm lucky live in Bandung, because there was a great university of civil engineering. Yeah, it was ITB, i hope i could study there, AAMIIN:))

    okay, now i'm at 12th grade, so i must to study hard, pray, and find more information about collage.

    That's all from me. say HAII :))